Controlled scientific studies have taken place since the early 1960’s and have shown QEEG and Neurofeedback to effectively identify and manage a wide range of symptoms associated with brain dysregulation. We have compiled a guide to all the most useful research, videos and books below.
Below are links to some academic research on Neurofeedback and ILF in relation to different conditions
You can also keep up to date with all the latest research on the websites below:
Videos and podcasts
How Neurofeedback works
Neurofeedback explained in 4 minutes
NeuroNoodle. Neurofeedback EEG Tech Legend Jay Gunkelman tells us his story from the very beginning as well as the development of eeg and Neurofeedback along the way.
Enhance Performance with Neurofeedback and Self-Empowerment. Dr Andrew Hill from Peak Brain
The Neurofeed: Eat Lunch & Get Regulated. Explore how clinical neurofeedack is changing the way we think about things like developmental trauma, disorders, thriving, diagnosis, recovery, community, learning, healing, and the brain.
on our bookshelves
We love all things brain health. If you would like some recommended reading then here are some of our favourites: